My name is Lily and I’m a coffee professional based in Oxfordshire.

I’ve worked in coffee since 2018 as a barista, head barista and head of training and development for cafes and specialty coffee roasters. I have SCA Certifications for barista skills. But my main passion is pouring and teaching latte art.

Latte art has become a necessity in the specialty coffee industry in recent years. And it truly represents the care and expertise of a barista. However, great latte art comes with great practice!

When I first started practicing latte art, I quickly became aware of the amount of waste that comes with it. Therefore, I’d like to offer the perfect solution.. BCB and make this available to the UK.

When I was first introduced to BCB, I knew this was solving a huge problem. You could train with no milk and no waste at all. Instead, using cold water and adding 0.25ml of BCB, perfectly replicating milk.

Now with the problem of waste solved, I wanted to help others with their latte art!

I know there are many baristas, cafes, even roasteries who would like to improve their level of latte art. Even with the problem of waste solved, the understanding of the basics is critical for pouring and improving great latte art. So I began teaching latte art classes.

My aim is to make latte art more accessible and affordable to anybody who wants to learn, with less milk and less money wasted!

You can keep up with me on Instagram here and contact me by email at